Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Fun with Plasma Car!

It's summer! Which means the kids are home, and bouncing off the walls.The Plasma Car by PlaSmart takes advantage of the one thing you always have around - your kids' energy! There are no gears, batteries, petals, etc, your Plasma Car is powered by pure kid power. All you do is turn the wheel and off you go at speeds of up to 6mph!The Plasma Car can hold up to 220lbs so it's fun for the whole family.

When our car arrived I was out working on an event and zach tried to put it together without reading the directions so our car kept falling apart. Once I came home and took over it took about 2 minutes to put together. (I actually found YouTube videos demonstrating that you can put it together in under a minute) So even though it requires assembly your kids will be off and riding in no time.

Willow has had a great time riding her Plasma Car around in the garage, and down our street. We recently had family over for Mother's Day and some of the more adventurous "big kids" ( like my 23 year old sister in law) took turns seeing how fast they could get the Plasma Car going. My soon to be mother in law has even been caught riding around in front of our house when she's playing outside with Willow outside.

Our Opinion

We love our Plasma Car! I really like that it's completely kid operated and doesn't require any charging or batteries to work. There's nothing worse the your kid wanting to play and finding that the batteries in their toys are dead. It also means that there's nothing to break or replace. The Plasma Car uses your kids energy to propel itself, and my kids have a ton of energy! The Plasma Car is a great way for your kids to get out some of that pent up energy and get in some exercise in the lazy summer days. Since your Plasma Car can hold up to 220 lbs, why not get one for each member of the family? Plasma Car races would be lots of fun!

How to Purchase
You can use the Store Locator on the Plasma Car website to find a store that carries them closest to you, or on

How to Win
PlaSmart has generously offered to give one lucky Life Unexpected reader a Plasma Car of their own to keep their keeps entertained this summer! Look for your chance to win in the Bring On Summer giveaway taking place May 26- June 9th!

I received one or more of the above mentioned products in exchange for an honest review. My opinion was not influenced in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own, please see our disclosure policy for more information.


  1. This looks like a lot of fun and a must have for the summer!!

  2. I think I want one! Altho the 5yo would fight me for it. LOL

  3. I really like the staight forward design of this car. It looks really neat.

  4. This looks to cool! My niece would love this!

  5. This looks like fun for all ages!! My kids would love this and it's so unique!

  6. I love the color of your Plasma car. And I love the big kid picture.

  7. I can totally fit on this! I want to try! MY TURN!

  8. Just what a kid would love to play with!

  9. Thanks everyone, and best of luck in the giveaway! :-)

  10. The Plasma car looks like a lot of fun. I especially like that it doesn't require batteries & keeps kids active.

  11. love the plasma car,no batteries required ,just kid or maybe grown -up powered,great for getting kids to get out of house and get exercise

  12. Thanks for the review. I love that it's totally kid operated! I'm so tired of toys with dead batteries! momsboysx3 at hotmail dot com.

  13. I LOVE plasma cars! My daughter's friend has one and the adults play on it just as much as the kids do!

  14. I looks like a great toy for all ages!

  15. This looks like so much fun for the whole family.

  16. What a fun little ride on toy! My two sons would love this. So funny how your MIL was riding it lol! :)

  17. looks awesome and everyone can join in the fun!

  18. If i could fit I would try it. looks like fun

  19. i like these wow cool

  20. 6 mph wow that super fast to a kiddo really an innovative idea

  21. This looks like so much fun. My kids would love it!

  22. this looks like fun I would love to try it

  23. Such a neat toy and no batteries! haha...better yet! Carter would have so much fun on this! Very neat toy!!!!
    landfjacobson @

  24. I think this is so neat! My kids would love it!


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